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Quit By Proxy !

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Well, I've done it again!

I've quit my job.  In fact, I quit the same job that I had already quit once.  I've quit so many jobs in my lifetime that it's not even funny.  I think that bosses should appreciate their employees....and that doesn't always happen.

I'm not lazy, I've always been a hard worker and a good employee.....I've been rehired by the same employers several times, but I always quit again.  Am I crazy?  Probably.  But the fact of the matter is, I think I'm just like you, except that you don't cut and run the way I do if I'm not being appreciated.  I think there have been times when you wanted to, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.  Am I right?  If so, please show your support of my attitude, audacity, nerve, stupidity, whatever you want to call it, and send me a dollar!  (or more if you can)   I don't think I'll ever be able to find another job in this little town.  I don't want to move (and couldn't afford to, even if I wanted to).     Bosses, you can send me a buck too, as a way of thanking me for not ever having worked for you! 

Taking a break from work

A permanent break!

Hey, by me doing this, I'm leaving at least one job open out there for someone else that really wants a job!  Support my effort!

More about me...

to me, the best things in life are:
family, friends, a loyal dog, and a cold beer.  Not always in that order!

I've quit good jobs, bad jobs, jobs I've loved, jobs I've hated.  I've quit jobs because someone else got fired for no good reason other than the boss got mad at them.  I've quit jobs that I didn't really want to quit.  I've quit jobs because I let my alligator mouth overload my hummingbird butt!  You name it, I've probably quit for that reason.  Whatever erks you about your job, hey, I'm here for ya!  Don't quit your job and get yourself into a bind like  I have all these years, just donate to me!   I've already quit that stupid job for you!

The pic that eBay pulled!
I really didn't know you couldn't auction off well worn pantyhose!